2024-12-28 19:11:06
















Once upon a time, I sat on the sofa with my , candy and TV; In the past, I from tooth decay due to too much sugar, a sweet pain; How many happy of me and my were in the candy of the past

Now, my can no the times with me.

Mom has a for candy. When my was young, my didn't let her eat candy, so she ate it. I think it's a . I love sugar as much as my does.

I that on 's Day at , I won more than ten . I 't bear to eat them in my arms. When I got home, I took them out to share with my . My said that when I grew up, I knew how to love my . I was so happy that I and told my mom that when I grew up, I her to eat a lot of , , , , , and apple ones. It made my mom feel like she fell into a sugar jar every day. I even my with my .

My cried, and I didn't know what was going on at the time. I used my money to buy a big bag of fruit candy and gave it to my , her not to cry. Mom her head, her eyes with tears. Mom off the sugar paper, put the sugar in her mouth, at it, and then burst into tears and . My told me that there are many in sugar. I didn't at the time, but later I came to some .

My room has a of candy . Mom and I them one by one and them into waves, them in the room looks . They are all my of war. My once said that as long as I can win the , I will be given candy that I have never eaten . What kind of sugar would it be? I am very about this, in order to them. I very hard and a for the first time. Oh, is that what Mom said about candy? I at the rows of sugar on the table, my mouth with . Mom, I love you so much! I over and my .

Look, a gift.

, the candy had this taste.

Mom has more and more now, and I have a lot. Look, I have them to you. I the box and at your grave.

Mom, you are in while I am . How I am! Mom, I

I want to a candy, held by you, even I know it will melt one day


2024-12-28 19:11:06


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