A chakra is a center of energy.
Originating from Sanskrit, it literally means “wheel” by association with its function as a vortex of spinning energy interacting with various physiological and neurological systems in the body.
Chakras are energy centers within the human body that help to regulate all its processes, from organ function to the immune system and emotions.
What are those Chakras?
There are 7 chakras positioned throughout your body, from the base of your spine to the crown of your head. Each chakra has its own vibrational frequency, that is depicted through a specific chakra colour, and governs specific functions and each with its own sound, element and symbol.
Depending upon your personality and lifestyle conditions one chakra is active than the other. So, balancing out these chakras will help you grow in all planes of existence. You can live a disease-free life and healthy and content mind to explore the magic of your consciousness.
What do colours represent in each chakra?
Chakra colors are typically broken down into seven and follow the order of the colors of the rainbow. Let’s look at the chakra colors in order, from red to purple and white, and explore their meanings and attributes when used with chakra healing techniques and healing stones.
In order, the colors of the seven primary chakras are:
1. 红色-第一脉轮
Red – First chakra
2. 橙色-第二脉轮
Orange – Second chakra
Yellow – Third chakra
4. 绿色-第四脉轮
Green – Fourth chakra
5. 蓝色(蓝宝石蓝或绿松石)-第五脉轮
Blue (sapphire blue or turquoise) – Fifth chakra
6. 紫色(深靛蓝色)-第六脉轮
Purple (or deep indigo) – Sixth chakra
7. 白色(有时是紫白色)-第七脉轮
White (sometimes purplish white) – Seventh chakra
Each color reflects a type of vibration or frequency radiating through the chakras. This classic color chart is based on yogic traditions.
· 红色脉轮的含义:红色是海底轮(第一脉轮)的颜色,它象征着安全、生存、根基、受到地球能量的滋养。请注意,在脉轮疗愈实践中,红色可能表示身体层面的炎症。
· Meaning of the red chakra color: Red is the color of the root chakra (first chakra); it symbolizes safety, survival, grounding, nourishment from the Earth energy. Note that in chakra healing practices, red may denote inflammation at the physical level.
· 橙色脉轮的含义:橙色是生殖轮(第二脉轮)的颜色;它包含情绪、创造力、性相关的意义,并与水、流相关。
· Meaning of the orange chakra color: Orange is the color of the sacral chakra (second chakra); it carries meanings associated with emotions, creativity, sexuality, and is associated with water, flow.
· 黄色脉轮的意义:黄色是脐轮(第三脉轮)的颜色,它象征着心智活动,智力,个人力量和意志。
· Meaning of the yellow chakra color: is the color of the solar plexus chakra (third chakra); it symbolizes mental activities, intellect, personal power, will.
· 绿色脉轮的含义:绿色是心轮(第四脉轮)的颜色,它与关爱、联系、融合、同情心等相关。
· Meaning of the green chakra color: Green is the color of the heart chakra (fourth chakra); it relates to love, relating, integration, compassion.
· 蓝色脉轮的含义:蓝色是喉轮(第五脉轮)的颜色,它象征着自我表现,真理表达,创造性表达,沟通,完美的形式和模式。
· Meaning of the blue chakra color: Blue is the color of the throat chakra (fifth chakra); it symbolizes self-expression, expression of truth, creative expression, communication, perfect form and patterns.
· 紫色(或深靛蓝色)脉轮的含义:紫色(或深靛蓝色)是眉心轮的颜色(第六脉轮);它唤起人的直觉,超感知觉及内在的智慧。
· Meaning of the purple chakra color (or deep indigo blue): Purple (or deep indigo blue) is the color of the third eye chakra (sixth chakra); it evokes intuition, extrasensory perception, inner wisdom.
· Meaning of the white chakra color (or purple): White is the color of the crown chakra (seventh chakra); it’s associated with the universal, connection with spirituality, consciousness.
关于导师Joshna Ramakrishnan
About Teacher Joshna Ramakrishnan
Joshna Ramakrishnan 从很小的时候就开始练习瑜伽,长大以后开始探索瑜伽哲学。在21岁的时候,她从大学毕业,获得计算机工程师学位,但她对存在和真理的持续探索,彻底改变了她的生活。她离开印度来到中国教授瑜伽,然后再回国全国旅行进修瑜伽,从喜马拉雅山到迈索尔,跟随不同大师学习瑜伽的精髓。在这次游学和探索中,她从很多好老师身上学到,瑜伽教我们在生活中保持谦逊,真诚而精进的内省。
Joshna Ramakrishnan started yoga as a kid and grew with it as a teenager, mastering asana practice at a very young age led her to question and learn about the philosophy of yoga as a young adult. At the age of 21, after she finished her graduation as a computer engineer, life took a big turn for her as she started to question the existence and reality. She left the country for china to teach yoga and returned to India after a short stint to study more, she travelled far and wide in India from Himalayas to Mysore to study with different masters of art to understand the essence of yoga. From this travel and search she met great teachers who showed her the life of yoga is to be humble and look within with sincerity and dedication.
Her interest in Science led her to travel across continents in search of the answers about the origin of the universe.
She studied Masters in Psychology to understand the workings of the mind and a diploma in Sanskrit to read the yoga philosophical texts in the native language.
Both spiritual and scientific search helped her to grow as an individual and helped her to look outside and inside with such clarity and she shares her experience of yoga through writing and conducting yoga courses in China and India.
She is currently based out of china conducting courses for students who are keen on learning about themselves through yoga and to spread this science to generations to come. Every year around 50 students graduate from her course to become teachers.
如果想进一步了解她,点击链接进入网站 :
To know more about her you can check this page
5-hour Online Chakra course
In this two hour class,you will learn in detail about each chakra, its symbol and the functions of these chakra in your Physical, Mental and Spiritual body. And the most important practice of balancing and activating these Chakras.
Day1 - Explanation of the Chakra
Day2 - Method 1 of activation.
Day3 - Method 2
Day4 - Method 3
Day5 - Question/Answer and Discussion
Type of class:Wechat Group
Materials you will receive: Chakra Chart in e format,video and audio.
A Certificate that you attended a Chakra – Introduction course online,courier fee would be paid by yourself.
Timing: 12:00 – 13:00
Date: 20-24th July 2017
The course fee is218RMB